Our Story
Intentional Spaces Initiative - About Page Image

Intentional design, architecture, and aesthetic experiences hold enormous potential to address some of the most intractable issues facing our planet. 

The International Arts + Mind Lab developed the Intentional Spaces initiative to expand the foundation for collaboration between scientific researchers, technologists, social scientists, and design practitioners. The network is co-developing a shared framework that advances the field by amplifying the impact of design on the human experience within the built environment.

We launched the initiative in November 2023 at the Intentional Spaces Summit, where panelists and invited attendees shared design practices, research, and technological insights and ideas with the goal of creating a dynamic translational model.

We are now creating a roadmap based on the discussions and work sessions from the Summit.

International Arts + Mind Lab

The International Arts + Mind Lab Center for Applied Neuroaesthetics (IAM Lab) is a multidisciplinary research-to-practice initiative from the Pedersen Brain Science Institute at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine that is focused on accelerating translational approaches in the field of neuroarts.

IAM Lab is pioneering Impact Thinking, a translational research approach designed to solve intractable problems in health, well-being, and learning through the arts. IAM Lab is partnering with the Aspen Institute’s Health, Medicine & Society Program to create the NeuroArts Blueprint. The Blueprint is an authoritative roadmap to move the neuroarts field into widespread use.